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Special Needs Trusts vs. ABLE Accounts

Attorney Keenan will be the sole speaker for a live “Webcam” seminar produced by the National Business Institute. The intended audience is attorneys, accountants, financial planners and other professionals. The focus will be on special needs planning and how trusts and ABLE accounts can be incorporated.

The agenda for the presentation is as follows:

  1. Who Qualifies as the Beneficiary? Varying Definitions of Disability.

  2. ABLE Account vs. Special Needs Trust Creation and Structure Issues: Who Can Set One Up?

  3. Limits on Contributions and Total Maximum Amount.

  4. Account Management Challenges.

  5. Qualified and Nonqualified Expenses: Key Differences.

  6. Tax Hurdles: SNT vs. ABLE Account.

  7. Interstate Moves: Which is More Flexible?

  8. Medicaid Recovery Rights Comparison.

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