
The Life of a Connecticut Executor

Most people are honored to find out that they have been appointed as the Executor for someone’s will. However, there seems to be a near-universal underestimation of what that role entails. Below is a list of tasks that need to be on every Executor’s radar screen as they work their way through the probate administration process. The list is by no means exhaustive. The purpose of this post is not to provide a collegiate-level seminar on how to manage an estate. The goal is to help you appreciate what the job entails before you appoint an Executor in your Last Will & Testament. As you will see, this is not a role in which everyone will thrive, and you should avoid appointing the wrong person.

  • Collect Assets. Figure out if the decedent had bank accounts, investment accounts, retirement funds, life insurance, real estate, automobiles, valuable personal effects, etc. Then take control of those assets.

  • Real Estate. Lock up and secure the property, make sure the heat is on to avoid frozen pipes and continue to pay insurance premiums until it’s turned over to the beneficiaries.

  • Cars. Keep them locked and don’t let anyone drive them while they are in the estate. If someone drives them around and gets into an accident, then the estate may be in trouble.

  • Personal Stuff. There’s a chance that the decedent’s tangible personal property (a.k.a. “stuff”) could be an important issue to address. In most cases, the family doesn’t care about any of the stuff and a majority of it gets donated or thrown out, or the family peaceably distributed everything without the need for the Executor’s involvement. But every once in a while, World War III will break out over a family heirloom (often an item that has little-to-no financial value). So, the Executor should quickly figure out if any items fall into this category. If so, it should be secured right away before someone walks off with it

  • Last Income Tax Returns. Connecticut and Federal income tax returns are still due April 15th even though the taxpayer has died. Hopefully the decedent had an accountant that prepared prior returns and he/she can help you with this task.

  • Keep the Peace. A sudden financial windfall can bring out the worst in people and it’s not uncommon to have an Executor who is forced to deal with beneficiaries who are complaining about some aspect of the probate administration (how long the process is taking, whether the sale price for the house is fair, who gets the photo album, etc.). So, it’s up to the Executor to be a good diplomat and keep everyone happy, or at least happy enough to avoid litigation.

  • Deal with the Probate Court. In the world of probate, it’s like an employer-employee relationship in which the Probate Judge is the employer and the Executor is the employee. This means that the Executor is accountable to the Judge and must ask for permission to do certain things, such as selling real estate (unless the will waives the need for court approval). It also means that the Executor can be “fired” by the Judge if she doesn’t fulfill her responsibilities. So, it’s important to dispel yourself of a common myth about probate; the Executor is not the boss. The Judge is.

Again, this is just a short list of many (not all) tasks for the Executor to address during the probate administration process, which usually takes several months. So, when you are preparing your last will and testament, pick an Executor with the right temperament and skill set. You should also make sure that person is aware of what the job entails and agrees to take on the role.

DISCLAIMER: This blog does not offer legal advice, nor does it create an attorney-client relationship. If you need legal advice, consult with a lawyer instead of a blog.

"Digital Assets" and Estate Planning

For most of us, both financial and social online accounts have played a rather significant role in our day-to-day lives for many years. However, it’s rare that clients consider them when designing their estate plan. Leaving some detailed information and directions for your Executor regarding your “digital assets” should be an agenda item for your estate planning.

Consider maintaining a list (either paper or a computer spreadsheet) which includes all of your usernames and passwords for your online accounts. This would include email (including any encryption information), bank and brokerage accounts, retirement accounts, photograph/video/data storage sites (e.g. Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive), social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), business-oriented social media sites (LikedIn), blogs, your own personal website or business website, streaming services (e.g. Netflix, Amazon Prime, ESPN+), online data backup services (Carbonite), online document & spreadsheet processing accounts (Google Docs), tax preparation accounts (Turbo Tax), credit card accounts and accounts for paying your household utilities.

Some of these accounts will help your Executor figure out where your assets are and what outstanding bills need to be paid. There may also be some automatic payments scheduled from online bank accounts that will need to be shut off. You could also leave instructions about which social media sites to shut down and whether you want one or more of these sites to share information with your online social community about your demise. Some of these sites (a personal blog or an online photography account, in particular) may contain information that you want your Executor to download and pass on to children or grandchildren for sentimental reasons.

You should also put together a list of all your devices, such as your desktop computers, laptop computers, tablets and smart phones. Those devices may hold additional data on their hard drives (information that you do not keep online or in “the cloud”) that could further help your Executor wind up your financial affairs.

Keeping these lists updated is important since some of this information, particularly passwords, change relatively frequently. Perhaps you could make updating these lists part of your annual routine, maybe at the same time that you do your tax reporting each year.

I can tell you from 21+ years of probate experience that an Executor’s job is not easy. That’s probably the understatement of the day. But easy access to comprehensive information about your digital assets will make the probate process, as well as addressing all of the non-probate details, much easier.

DISCLAIMER: This blog does not offer legal advice, nor does it create an attorney-client relationship.  If you need legal advice, consult with a lawyer instead of a blog.